Modern Slavery Statement

UK Modern Slavery Act (2015) Statement for Financial Year 2023

I am writing on behalf of LPW Group to provide our Modern Slavery Act (2015) Statement for the financial year ending 2023.

This statement sets out the steps taken by LPW Group Ltd and its relevant subsidiaries (together, the” Group”) during their financial year ending 31 December 2023 to ensure, as far as reasonably possible, that no modern slavery or human trafficking takes place in any part of our business or supply chain.


Modern slavery encompasses slavery, servitude, human trafficking and forced labour. The Group has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity and transparency in all business dealings and to putting effective systems and controls in place to safeguard against any form of modern slavery taking place within our own organisation or our supply chain.

While we have not identified any cases of slavery or human trafficking within our organisations during the previous financial year, we recognise that this issue remains a global concern. We are deeply committed to ensuring that our operations and supply chain are free from any form of modern slavery.

Our Business

LPW Group Ltd is a national group of companies made up of LPW Europe Ltd, Mobile Fleetwash UK Ltd, LPW Car Care Ltd, Wilson Contract Services Ltd,  Benson Signs Ltd and Ferncroft Enterprises Ltd.

Together, the Group protects the brand image of your vehicle fleet and property across the UK and Ireland.

Where possible we aim to build long-standing relationships with local suppliers and business holders and make sure our expectations of business behaviour.

The large majority of our suppliers are UK based and with regards to international supply chains, our point of contact is preferably with a UK company or branch.

Our Policies on Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking

The Group are committed to ensuring that modern day slavery or human trafficking has no part in any function of our business activity, and we will adopt a policy whereby we will in so far as be reasonably practicable require our suppliers to hold a similar ethos to ours.

Along with this Statement, the company has a number of other policies in place to support ethical behaviour and assist in deterring and detecting unethical behaviour, including modern slavery.

The company has a Human Rights Policy and a Corporate Social Responsibility policy.  The company also has a whistleblowing policy in place where employees are encouraged to speak up and raise any concerns they may have.

The company is also proud to be a National Living Wage employer.

The Group’s guidance on Modern Slavery is to:

  • Comply with UK and European legislation and regulatory requirements
  • Make modern slavery factors a consideration when making procurement decisions
  • Ensure appropriate awareness throughout our organisation of modern-day slavery issues.
  • Ensure that our suppliers and service providers are aware we actively promote the requirements of legislation
  • Ensure systems are in place to encourage the reporting of concerns and the protection of whistleblowers.

Steps we are taking

  • Specialised training attended in which learnings are shared and discussed amongst senior management.
  • Ensure all employees are recruited in line with the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006.
  • We aim to build long-standing relationships with local suppliers and business holders and make clear our expectations of business behaviour.
  • Include modern slavery conditions/criteria in specification or tender documents wherever applicable.
  • Evaluate specifications and tenders with appropriate weight given to modern slavery points
  • Encourage all our suppliers and contractors to take their own action and understand their obligations to these requirements.
  • Review and Improvement: We continually review our policies and practices to identify areas for improvement and enhance our approach to mitigating the risks of modern slavery.

This statement has been approved by our board of directors and signed by Dominic Lyndon, Group HR Director, LPW Group Ltd.

January 2024